Teach with us

/Teach with us
Teach with us2024-05-01T12:22:49-04:00

We’re growing! We are a young classical Christian school turning seven in September 2024, and by then we anticipate having 170-180 students across JK-10, and graduating our first Grade 12 class in June 2027. Our community is intimate, we have our own rich curriculum, we’re low-tech, and we love the gospel of grace that makes us right with God and one another. Click here to see Oak Hill in action.

Who we are looking for

As a classical Christian school, we are looking for teachers who:

  • Have a living, deepening friendship with the Lord Jesus. This includes belonging to a local church, and possessing an articulate grasp of the gospel and an ability to communicate it to children.
  • Maintain high standards of personal conduct in all aspects of their lives.
  • Enjoy working with children. They understand a child’s nature and child development.
  • Bring expertise, excitement, and depth to what they teach.
  • Are teachable and excited to learn and implement the principles and values of classical Christian education.
  • Can cultivate classroom atmosphere and order with a variety of academic skills and learning abilities.
  • Will encourage and maintain a high level of parental involvement and regular communication.
  • Are community minded and will participate in the curricular and extra-curricular life of the school.
  • Thrive on the energy of a new school start-up.

Teaching experience, knowledge of classical Christian education and/or Charlotte Mason education, and a B.Ed. degree are all assets but are not requirements. Qualified candidates will have a Bachelor degree at minimum.


Supply Teachers

We are accepting applications for teachers interested in joining our supply roster. Refer to the teacher profile above for a sense of the qualities, gifts, and interests we value in our teachers.

Employment Process

1. Learn about classical education. Before you begin, candidates are encouraged to familiarize themselves with classical Christian education. Although a background in classical education is not required, our teachers are expected to teach classically.

2. Apply. Submit the following application documents via email (PDF format only please) to principal [at] oakhillhamilton.ca OR in hardcopy in person to 1886 Governor’s Road in Copetown.

a. Cover letter (1 page). In no more than one page, introduce yourself, note what subjects and grades you want to teach, and why you want to teach at a classical Christian school.

b. Personal testimony of faith (1 page).

c. Philosophy of education (1 page).

d. Resume.

e. Letters of reference (1 pastoral, 2 professional).

f. List of your favourite and recently read books.

3. Initial phone call. All applications will be reviewed and screened, and those that appear to align most closely with our school needs will be contacted for an initial phone call with the principal.

4. Interview. Applicants with a successful initial phone call will be invited to meet the principal and school leadership team for an interview.

5. VSS and reference checks. If not already completed, the applicant’s references will be contacted by phone and applicants will be required to submit a recent Vulnerable Sector Scan report (i.e. a “police check”) in original. Applicants who have a successful interview and satisfactory references and VSS report will proceed to a teaching observation.

6. Teaching observation. Applicants successful to this point will be required to teach lessons of the school’s choosing for up to two hours. We will provide context, lesson details, and necessary materials. Applicants will submit in advance their lesson plans or notes to the Principal for review.

7. Decision of Oak Hill Academy. The school’s Board of Directors will review the candidate’s application and decide whether to make an offer of employment. All candidates who have made it this far will be notified in writing of the Board’s decision. If the Board would like to move forward, we will meet with the individual to discuss the terms of employment and next steps.

If you have additional questions, please contact the office. Oak Hill Academy thanks all applicants for their interest. Only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.